Company Slogan
Enhancement of the National Policy on Reducing Administrative Burdens Project

The Project includes an assessment of the mechanism for coordinating the policy on reducing administrative burdens and proposals for enhancing its effectiveness. Measurement of the existing administrative burdens of the national legislation related to the internal market of the European Union and proposals for their reduction. The Project is implemented under the Administrative Capacity Operational Programme and is assigned by the Ministry of Economy and Energy.

Elaboration of a Subsequent Assessment of the Effect of the Active Labour Market Policy at Individual Level Project

The Project includes elaboration of an assessment of the effect of the active labour market policies financed by State Budget resources. The Project is assigned by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and it is implemented with the financial support of Human Resources Development Operational Programme. The net effect is the difference between the consequences of being involved in a particular programme and not being involved in one. The methodology of estimating the net effects includes the following steps: 1. Statistical hypotheses testing; 2. Eliminating the possible influence of certain differences on the labour market status of the respondents; 3. Calculating net estimates of the effects of the programme on the counterparts, adjusted in terms of the observed differences between the two groups; 4. Calculating the effect on income; 5. Calculating the net social effects.

Statistical research and development of algorithms for processing and analysis of the information and the parameters of the arrangements in collective agreements stored in NICA

Statistical research and development of algorithms for processing and analysis of the information and the parameters of the arrangements in collective agreements stored in NICA. The contracting authority is National Institute for Concilation and Arbitration

Trainings for implementation of specialised auditing techniques and methods

Trainings for implementation of specialised auditing techniques and methods. The contracting authority is Bulgarian National Audit Office.